As a responsible citizen, I have to pay the fine issued to me by the Traffic Police.
Every single sen that we pay to them will be regenerate back (I hope so!) to us through annual budget funding to help to improve the public infrastructure.
I really hope PDRM can recruit more traffic policemen as the traffic jam in KL is becoming more and more of a nuisance for the city slickers!
btw- melayang RM300 sebab saman takleh kurang!
I was watching TV3 late nite news last nite. For a 30min news, of which 10 min was for local news (minus ads) CCTV was mentioned on 3 seperate occassion. Wow what were the police doing before there were CCTC. Somebody positioning for a BIGGER contract...hmmmmmmm:))
Kaki TV
wow ni mesti masa Ops sikap... I usually manage to get a discount
anyway langgar lampu merah memang tak de discount- that one I pernah kena
On another note - a da cerita kelakar ni saya nak share, harap tuan blog dapat beri laluan
KJ's top cybertrooper has 'revealed' to me KJ's latest achievement,
nak tau ape bacalah di SINI
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Am laughing at the link provided and can't stop giglling about it.
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