This blog was designed and created to cater Hesmel Faznee Faisal a.k.a The Eugenist a.k.a Aqalkalayuda's personal thoughts and opinions.
He has mentioned on numerous times that all writings in this blog are strictly based on his personal Point Of View; thus he'll refused to beg nor seek for forgiveness from anyone, for as long as the things mentioned in this self proclaimed blog are not purposely related nor have any ill feelings towards anyone or anything.
It seems that the National Fatwa Council had been told to slow down their ignorance horses, prior to the self imposed decision to ban the practice of Yoga and have to wait for the green light from the Council of Rulers’ approval.
Perhaps I could say that the credibility of the NFC (National Fatwa Council, Jose!) has gone down the drain.
I wish to congratulate every one of them in the NFC for making fun at themselves. I also would like to remind them to be more careful when it comes to sensitive issues such as this.
I am anxious to know what is their next step and what would they do after all this things had eroded disgracefully.
I think the best thing for the Government to do is to ask the NFC to disband themselves and stop issuing all the nonsense and petty things and just carry on their lives.
There are more many important things in this life and it would be a waste if we are putting ourselves in a hostile situation.
I would like to repeat again that I never practise Yoga, or try to do all those flexy movements.
All I could say is that, Quo Vadis National Fatwa Council?
Kita Kan Tersesat Pabila Malam Menjemput Bulan Semula Ke Sangkar Waktu - The Salam Connection
Sekali lagi, pihak ulama telah menggunakan tukul besi diktatorisme mereka.
Kali ini, mereka telah mengambil keputusan untuk mengharamkan umat Islam dari mengamalkan senaman Yoga.
Penulis yakin, si cilik Ninie Ahmad (Salah seorang pengamal senaman Yoga di Malaysia dan seorang Melayu Muslim, Jose!) sudah pasti akan mengeluh dan bimbang dengan fatwa yang telah dikeluarkan oleh pihak Ulama negara kita.
Persoalannya sekarang, siapakah yang benar? Pihak ulama atau umara? Atau pihak pengamal senaman Yoga, yang secara hakikatnya mengamalkan senaman tersebut, sekadar untuk kekal sihat (Jose, bukankah Tuhan menyuruh hambanya menjaga kesihatan supaya kekal sihat dan mampu untuk beribadat?).
Ada pihak-pihak tertentu yang merasakan bahawa senaman Yoga ini satu bentuk “ancaman” baru kepada umat Islam kini. Persoalannya, apakah ianya benar?
Adakah umat Islam begitu mudah untuk disesatkan dan apakah ulama kita di Malaysia sendiri yang terlalu bimbang dan mereka umpama takutkan bayang-bayang pada diri sendiri?
Apa yang penulis faham dan tahu, kebanyakan daripada umat Islam sekarang tidaklah seperti mana yang disangkakan oleh sekumpulan Ulama ini. Mereka kebanyakannya sudah mula mengkaji dan mencari pengertian di dalam Al-Quran. Mereka tidak gentar lagi kepada gertakan golongan ulama ortodoks yang sering menakutkan mereka, seperti mana yang telah mereka lakukan keatas masyarakat Melayu Islam pasca kemerdekaan terutamanya ketika zaman 80an dahulu.
Umat Melayu Islam sekarang, penulis akui walaupun kebanyakannya nampak sesat dan hilang pedoman, namun ada segelintir daripada mereka yang lebih mengetahui dan memahami Islam, daripada mereka yang berserban dan berjubah.
Mereka dapat mengenalpasti yang mana satu intan, dan yang mana satu manikam (Jose, bukan Maniam!). Tidak dinafikan, ada juga senaman Yoga ini disulamselikan dengan mantera dan serapah serta deep trancing yang mengakibatkan mereka ini bertemu dengan Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva. Perkara ini, penulis rasa tidak ramai yang akan mengambil pendekatan sedemikian.
Mereka sekadar mengamalkan bentuk gerakan senaman yang tidak diselangi dengan upacara ritual. Jika ianya ada sekalipun, mungkin mereka akan mengambil pendekatan untuk tidak berbuat demikian.
Apabila para ulama ini mengambil keputusan untuk mengharamkan perkara-perkara sedemikian, ia menunjukkan seolah-olah Islam suatu fahaman agama yang cukup rapuh.
Apakah dengan mengamalkan senaman fizikal Yoga, seorang Islam itu akan murtad? Di dalam Quran, Tuhan ada menyatakan beberapa ayat mengenai persoalan murtad ini. Penulis akui penulis tidaklah semahir sesetengah ulamak tetapi penulis mempunyai inisiatif untuk mencari.
Tuhan menyatakan di dalam Quran;
5:54 Hai orang-orang yang beriman, barang siapa di antara kamu yang Murtad dari agamanya, maka kelak Allah akan mendatangkan suatu kaum yang Allah mencintai mereka dan mereka pun mencintai-Nya, yang bersikap lemah lembut terhadap orang yang mukmin, yang bersikap keras terhadap orang-orang kafir, yang berjihad di jalan Allah, dan yang tidak takut kepada celaan orang yang suka mencela. Itulah karunia Allah, diberikan-Nya kepada siapa yang dikehendaki-Nya, dan Allah Maha Luas (pemberian-Nya) lagi Maha Mengetahui.
33:14 "Kalau (Yatsrib) diserang dari segala penjuru, kemudian diminta kepada mereka supaya Murtad, niscaya mereka mengerjakannya; dan mereka tiada akan menunda untuk Murtad itu melainkan dalam waktu yang singkat."
5:21. Wahai kaumku, masuklah Bumi Suci yang Allah menuliskan (menetapkan) untuk kamu, dan janganlah kembali (murtad) ke belakang kamu, untuk berbalik sebagai orang-orang yang rugi."
47:25. Orang-orang yang kembali (murtad) ke belakang mereka setelah petunjuk menjadi jelas bagi mereka, syaitanlah yang menghasut mereka, dan memanjangkan angan-angan mereka. (setelah petunjuk al-Qur'an menjadi jelas).
Tidak ada satu pun ayat di atas yang menyatakan tentang perbuatan itu mengakibatkan seseorang itu tercicir akidahnya. Persoalannya ialah mengapakah ianya telah dijatuhkan hukuman sedemikian? Seolah-olah agama Islam ini suatu agama yang bersifat hostile kepada agama lain.
Penulis bukanlah seorang yang mengamalkan senaman Yoga, tetapi penulis malu dengan sekumpulan yang menggelar mereka Ulama tetapi lebih sibuk membincangkan perkara yang remeh. Banyak lagi isu yang perlu ditangani oleh mereka.
Penulis berharap, pihak Ulama jangan menjadi terlalu bersifat rigid dan hostile sehingga mengakibatkan agama lain memandang jelik kepada agama Islam. Pihak ulama jangan menjadi seperti nila yang telah merosakkan susu.
Kita Kan Tersesat Pabila Malam Menjemput Bulan Semula Ke Sangkar Waktu – The Salam Connection.
The most nerve-racking thing for a person is when he is informed that he had been infected with an unknown disease.
Sometimes, a person would resolve to all sorts of ways to ensure he stays fit and healthy. However, we must also remember that it is God's will if a person falls sick, even though they had done many things in order to remain healthy.
I believe good health is the gem of life. It is pointless if you have millions of cash or even a mountain of pearls and gold or a house as big as the Seri Perdana Complex in your possession, if you are sick and lying helplessly on bed.
It is also very important for us to take care of our health. It is best to try and avoid consuming fast food or unhealthy food as it will help to fast forward the “call of death”.
I realize I do not have any qualification or the right to talk about health (Jose, please take note that I am really skilful when it comes to arts, theatre or any of the artful dodger). But I am aware on the importance of having good health and staying fit is the most important thing for an attentive person.
As usual, allow me to touch a bit on the scenario in our local politics and I believe, it relates to the issue of health generally. Somehow or rather the general public are saying that UMNO is not in good health. Hypothetically, it does in a very desecrating condition.
The virus of corruption has crawled inside UMNO for long time and it would be very difficult to remove the virus as it has grown into a cancerous disease. For former UMNO President, Tun Dr Mahathir, the best cure is to remove the infected part from the body or if we find it necessary, we might even chopped it off before it spreads into other body parts.
It is meaningless if the root of disease, that is greed and lust are still remaining intact in the party. UMNO members should reject those who practise money politics. The best solution for UMNO is to remove members who are involved in money politics from the party and if it is necessary, sack them or impose a ban on them from becoming actively again in UMNO, forever. Ban them from rejoining the party if they find it necessary, as what has been done to former UMNO Deputy President, Anwar Ibrahim who had involved in an unusual sexual intercourse and (Even though the Court had dismissed the case, nevertheless the judges who was involved in the hearing of the case still believed he did involved in the abnormal practise) was found guilty for it.
It is likely that UMNO will end up becoming an opposition party, if UMNO members are still actively involved in money politics. Even the political observers had predicted that it would take another one or two General Elections before UMNO became completely outmoded and past its prime time.
The members of the public has had enough with the politicking within UMNO and as the most senior political party in Barisan National, it should revamp itself and should good example to other parties in the front. As the oldest political party in Malaysia, UMNO must not let the party being self destroyed by some of its own members. They are using the party merely as a vehicle to gauge wealth for their own personal interest. UMNO members must always remember the main reason as to why the party existed in the first place.
In order to do that, UMNO must rejuvenate and party members must also try not to participate in any insignificant issues within the party. There must be a benchmark for the party if it wishes to remain dominant and relevant for the public, especially to the Malays.
The keris wielding chapter by UMNO Youth leader has managed to frighten away some voters who were loyal to the party. Even the “heroic act” by one of the UMNO leaders in Penang has created a furore in our society and lead to a misunderstanding between the other component parties within Barisan National.
As an UMNO “outsider” (Jose, I have been trying to officially register myself as an UMNO member but with no avail!), it is saddening to see the ongoing fight between UMNO members and also with other Barisan Nasional component parties. I believe it is time for them to stop the squabble and must mend out any misunderstanding between them.
It is hard to accept the fact that UMNO have become an opposition party in 5 states. If no effort is been taken to purge of corruption in the party, Barisan Nasional under the UMNO leadership will soon be playing the role of an opposition in the august house (Jose, what I’m trying to say is the opposition party in the Parliament!)!
KitaKan Tersesat Pabila Malam Menjemput Bulan Semula Ke Sangkar Waktu – The Salam Connection.
Ketuanan Melayu, dahulunya merupakan satu isu sensitive yang tidak disentuh langsung oleh sesiapapun. Sesiapa yang menyentuh isu ini akan dianggap sebagai penggugat kepada keharmonian antara kaum yang telah terjalin selama ini.
Namun, pada masa sekarang ianya merupakan satu persoalan yang cukup popular, dibangkitkan oleh sesetengah pihak, samada di kalangan pembesar (UMNO) mahupun golongan marhaen (PAS/PKR/DAP).
Menurut Perdana Menteri, maksud Ketuanan Melayu ialah keupayaan bangsa Melayu untuk mencapai sesuatu kejayaan. In other words, what the PM tries to say is the Malay supremacy carries the meaning of race supremacy. (The Star, Selasa, 29 April, 2008. Pak Lah explains meaning of 'ketuanan Melayu').
Persoalannya, apakah ianya benar?
Adakah bangsa Melayu ini benar-benar sudah mencapai tahap supremacy?
Penulis tidak mempersoalkan keupayaan bangsa sendiri tetapi sekadar ingin mengajak bangsa Melayu mengkaji, apakah perlu untuk kita menuntut Ketuanan Melayu ini dipertahankan.
Sesuatu bangsa yang sudah mencapai tahap supremacy bermaksud bangsa tersebut sudah tidak lagi perlu rasa bimbang dan gusar dengan kedudukannya. Namun, jika benar, ianya belum lagi mencapai tahap supremacy, ini bermakna Perdana Menteri telah silap membuat penafsiran berkaitan dengan makna ketuanan Melayu itu sendiri.
Atau apakah kita sendiri yang sudah tersilap tafsiran tentang Ketuanan Melayu?
Secara peribadi, mengikut kefahaman penulis, ketuanan Melayu ini telahpun wujud sejak zaman berzaman lagi. Dari bermulanya kerajaan Majapahit hinggalah kepada kerajaan Kesultanan Melayu Melaka, ketuanan Melayu ini telahpun berdiri kukuh dan utuh selama ini.
Persoalannya, mengapakah "Ketuanan Melayu" sekarang, begitu lemah dan rapuh? Apakah kerana doktrin pemikiran asing dan juga falsafah-falsafah asing yang memasuki pemikiran kita telah memesongkan dan menganggu gugat keyakinan kita?
Ketuanan Melayu ini, bukanlah bermaknanya kita bersikap Tuan seperti mana penjajah British melakukan perbuatan mereka ke atas orang tempatan 100 tahun dahulu. Tetapi ketuanan Melayu ini membawa maksud negara ini mempunyai Pemerintah Diraja dan mereka ini sebenarlah membawa pengertian Ketuanan Melayu itu sendiri.
Persoalan-persoalan mengenai Ketuanan Melayu ini tidaklah perlu dipanjangkan lagi. Dan tidaklah perlu memberikan gelaran "pejuang" Ketuanan Melayu, kepada seseorang individu, seperti yang berlaku di Pulau Pinang, baru-baru ini.
Adakah dengan mempersoalkan asal usul sesuatu bangsa di Malaysia dianggap sebagai pejuang Ketuanan Melayu? Apakah sipenyoal itu tidak pernah menyoal asal usul dirinya?
Yang layak dan yang patut digelarkan pejuang Ketuanan Melayu ialah mereka yang telah berjaya menaikkan taraf dan intelektual bangsa Melayu itu sendiri. Melayu sekarang, terlalu benar asyik dan "ralit" dengan dunia hiburan santai.
Tidakkah mereka ini mahu melihat dunia hiburan ini dari sudut pandang intelektual?
Kita Kan Tersesat Pabila Malam Menjemput Bulan Semula Ke Sangkar Waktu - The Salam Connection.
It seems that the race for the UMNO Deputy Presidency has becoming too jam-packed when Tan Sri Muhammad Taib has joined in the competition with Datuk Seri Mohamad Ali Rustam when he managed to secured his place after obtaining enough nomination, last week.
However, Tan Sri Muhyidin Yassin, who is in the lead with 90 nominations is seen as the Deputy President material and thus will become the next Deputy Prime Minister, after Najib takes over the job from Pak Lah in March 2009. I hope none of the Bacalah readers will see me as vouching for Tan Sri Muhyidin.
Allow me to me explain it to you that I hardly know him personally, nor do I have any admiration for him. And this blog is not paid for or being sponsored by anybody from the party. But it doesn’t mean I will not agree to him as the next UMNO Deputy President, should he win the post.
From the looks of it, he has some advantage points compared to the other two candidates. Firstly, he is currently holding the post of the Minister of Trade and Industry, and is a Member of Parliament for Pagoh. Secondly, he was the Johore Menteri Besar for 11 years and his ability as a charismatic leader has been proven through his effort in transforming Johore into what it is now. He won’t be facing any trouble to become the Deputy Prime Minister. Even former UMNO President and Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad had shown his support for Muhyiddin.
Even if UMNO members chose Tan Sri Mohamad Taib a.k.a Mat Taib as UMNO Deputy President, there will be some tough time for Mat Taib to secure the Deputy Prime Mnister post (whoever becomes UMNO Deputy President will automatically becomes the Deputy Prime Minister, Jose!). He is currently an appointed Senator and the appointment was made in order to enable him to hold the post of the Rural Minister. The Government has to call for a by election in Selangor just to enable him to be elected as an MP and to become the Deputy Prime Minister. This will only make things becoming from bad to worse for UMNO as Selangor is currently under the Pakatan Rakyat administration!
The same thing goes to Dato’ Seri Mohd Ali Rustam. He is not an MP, except that he is the Malacca Chief Minister and if he is elected as the Deputy President, he will have to go through the same procedure, in order to become the Deputy Prime Minister. And as some people said, the rest is history.
I hope that UMNO members will choose the best amongst the three candidates. We have seen in the past how wrong decisions has been made in choosing the Deputy President and it resulted in some leaders who are not capable became the Deputy Prime Minister and Prime Minister, for that matters!
I pray that UMNO members will only choose leaders who are really capable in transforming the party into a more matured party, rather than making it less and less relevant for the Malays particularly and for Malaysia, generally. It is sad to see UMNO members hurling chairs and exchanging abusive words on each other, as what is seen in the recent UMNO Branch meeting in Seremban.
I always pray that UMNO members will reflect a more matured and “glokal” thinking (Jose, I’m borrowing the term coined by Najib Razak!). Currently, the post for UMNO President and Deputy President (both are the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister, respectively) are being chosen exclusively by some of the UMNO members. So please choose wisely and carefully.
KitaKan Tersesat Pabila Malam Menjemput Bulan Semula Ke Sangkar Waktu – The Salam Connection.
Sejak kebelakangan ini, ramai orang mula memperkatakan tentang perlunya diadakan perdebatan, khususnya untuk pemilihan UMNO akan datang.
Ada yang berpendapat perdebatan antara calon-calon yang bertanding akan mampu merangsang pemikiran mereka dan memberikan peluang kepada orang ramai untuk mengetahui dan memah, terutamanya ketika menyampaikan hujah masing-masing.
Ada juga yang inginkan perdebatan ini diadakan secara tertutup dan ada yang mahu ianya diadakan secara langsung, yakni "live" telecast dan disiarkan di dalam rangkaian televisyen.
Namun yang demikian, persoalan utama yang harus dikupasi ialah apakah seorang itu dianggap bacul jika dia menolak untuk terlibat di dalam sebarang perdebatan yang diadakan atau, bijak kerana tidak mahu dilihat sebagai membuka pekung di dada.
Ini kerana perdebatan akan menjurus kepada beberapa perkara yang mungkin akan menunjukkan kebijaksanaan seseorang atau ketidakbijaksanaan orang itu sendiri.
Sebagai contoh, ada yang merasakan bahawa debat antara ketua pembangkang, Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim dan Menteri Penerangan Dato' Shabery Cheek itu sebagai satu debat yang dianggap kurang berkesan.
Ini ditambahkan lagi dengan "character assasination" yang dihujahkan oleh Dato' Shabery keatas Anwar (Jose, I'm not an Anwar supporter as I prefer to remain as neutrally as possible!) menjadikan debat tersebut sebagai gelanggang mendedahkan pekung masing-masing.
Penulis bimbang, debat di dalam UMNO kelak akan menjadikan parti itu bertambah lemah dan goyah. Masakan tidak, apabila masing-masing berhujah, sudah pasti secara tidak langsung akan berlaku "character assasination" yang sedemikian.
Biasanya, golongan yang suka berdebat adalah golongan yang hanya bijak bercakap sahaja. Tapi ini tidak menampakkan bahawa penulis berpendapat sedemikian kepada semua orator, cuma penulis berpendapat adalah lebih baik jika perdebatan ini digantikan dengan kerja-kerja yang mencerminkan bagaimana seorang itu layak untuk dipilih menjadi ketua.
Kadangkala, mereka yang suka kepada perdebatan ini terdiri daripada golongan yang N.A.T.O (No Action Talk Only).
Apakah pemimpin UMNO pada masa hadapan kelak, terdiri daripada orang-orang seperti ini?
Kita Kan Tersesat Pabila Malam Menjemput Bulan Semula Ke Sangkar Waktu - The Salam Connection.
Sometimes, a person will be elected to a post not because he is seen as a capable leader, but is also due to fact that he is connected or belongs to a certain group.
Khairy Jamaluddin, the once prince of the political arena have seen his days in the local politics has been outnumbered, when his beloved father-in-law cum Prime Minister, Pak Lah decided not to defend his UMNO Presidency. Even though he had managed to qualify to race for the post of UMNO Youth chief, he has to work extra hard to ensure his credibility as a leader per se, will be the main factor he will be elected to that post.
And, with his father in-law cum Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi slowly losing grip on the party, the struggle for Khairy to be elected as the next UMNO youth chief will be seen as easier said than done and tough. Based on the latest number of nominations, UMNO Youth Chief aspirant Datuk Mukhriz is still leading the race with 71 nominations, with Dato' Seri Dr. Mohd Khir Toyo in the second place with 56 nominations. Khairy, once seen as the favourite for Umno Youth chief post is only 6 nominations behind Dr Khir.
Khairy once said he enjoys being the Prime Minister's son-in-law because the family ties between him and Pak Lah has enable him to do lots of things and at the same time receives all the political protection he needs. His meteoric rise in UMNO was also due to the fact of this factor.
Soon, all of this will become a painful memory for him as Abdullah Badawi has made the decision not to defend his post as UMNO President and Najib Razak will be taking over from Abdullah.
If Najib successfully becomes the Prime Minister and UMNO President, Khairy would have to say goodbye to his dreams of becoming the youngest Prime Minister of Malaysia, let alone becoming the next UMNO Youth Chief.
I am confident; UMNO members will not let the inexperienced politician ruin the party again, after what had happened in the recent by-election at Permatang Pauh and the dark and gloomy 12th General Election in March.
UMNO will not be seen as a spend force party but will always remain as a party that is relevant to the Malays and all Malaysians.
But the question is, Quo Vadis UMNO?
KitaKan Tersesat Pabila Malam Menjemput Bulan Semula Ke Sangkar Waktu – The Salam Connection.