Friday, 17 June 2011


Oleh - Hesmel Faznee Faisal.

Salam, kepada para bloggers dan pembaca blog "syok sendiri" ini.

Akhirnya, negara kita telah turut mengalami ancaman "hackers" yang telah berjaya memecahkan sistem keselamatan internet negara. Penggodam yang menggelarkan diri mereka sebagai "Anonymous" ini telah menggodam beberapa website yang samada mempunyai kaitan dengan Kerajaan atau berkaitan.

Mujurlah mereka tidak merosakkan terus website, namun sekadar "mengusik" atau dalam erti kata lain, menggertak Kerajaan dengan kebolehan mereka untuk membuat sesuatu yang lebih dahsyat dari itu.

Khabarnya ia bermula dengan tindakan Kerajaan (menerusi Kementerian itu...) memblok akses website yang membolehkan pengguna melakukan file sharing (baca Kick Ass Torrent, Pirate Bay!) dengan pengguna lain. Maka atas alasan itulah kumpulan hackers Anonymous melakukan gerakan besar-besaran menggodam website kepunyaan Kerajaan atau yang berkaitan.

Saya berpendapat, perkara ini menunjukkan bahawa telah bermulanya proses globalisasi secara total yang bakal melanda negara kita. Bukan calang-calang seandainya sistem negara kita digodam secara virtual, yakni diserang melalui online.

Berapa ramaikah di antara kita telah menonton filem Live Free Or Die Hard,  lakonan Bruce Willis yang mengisahkan tentang sekumpulan pencuri yang menggunakan premis sebagai pengganas untuk merompak wang simpanan negara Amerika?

Selamatkah sistem kewangan kita? Selamatkah sistem penggunaan I.C pintar kita? Selamatkah kita? Selamatkah segalanya yang ada di sekeliling kita?

Secara tidak langsung, itu yang dimahukan oleh kumpulan tertentu itu. Mewujudkan perasaan panik, seterusnya menjadikan kita paranoid!

Tidak terkejut jika selepas ini, datang pula syarikat tertentu memperkenalkan anti virus dan lain-lain sistem pertahanan internet yang ratanya lebih kurang sama dan tidak berbeza. Selamat datang ke dunia paranoia!

Kita Kan Tersesat Pabila Malam Menjemput Bulan Semula Ke Sangkar Waktu - The Salam Connection

Wednesday, 1 June 2011


by - Hesmel Faznee Faisal

Salam to fellow bloggers and readers of this self indulgence yet pitiful blog!

I feel proud of being a “Kulimman(a terminology coined by me as a reference for a person who hails from Kulim, Kedah Jose!) after reading the news here

According to BMW Malaysia, they are planning to maximize the number of locally installed BMW cars in Malaysia by producing more units through its factory in Kulim, Kedah. It is indeed a proud achievement for us, Malaysians especially those Kulimman who works in the factory.

Indirectly, it proves that investors have high confidence and fate on Malaysians with their ability to produce more BMW cars locally. For the record, all cars produced by companies namely BMW, Mercedez, FIAT etc. maintains a very high standard and prestige amongst the range of luxury cars.

I am confident that one day Proton, being Malaysia’s first locally produced car can work on a joint ventured project with BMW to roll out a better and higher quality standard of Proton cars.

I think this was one of the reasons why Tun Dr Mahathir had insisted on carrying on with the Proton project when he became the Prime Minister.

The first Prime Minister of Malaysia, the late Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj was the person responsible with the idea of Malaysia producing and manufacturing its own cars, in a speech delivered during a ceremony to officiate the opening of the first Dunlop tyre factory in Shah Alam, back in the mid-60s.

Without doubt both men (the late Tunku and Tun Dr Mahathir) have provide for us greater opportunities to learn more and acquire knowledge in producing cars and creating more jobs for them at the same time. It's up to us to be part of it or fought against it.

Of course Proton would not be able to survive on its own if the sales of cars lie only for Malaysians.  Judging from this we should project Proton as the window of opportunity and become a catalyst for Malaysia to venture into a bigger market, especially on a joint venture project with establishing companies. BMW is one of them.

I am placing my bet on Proton that they would be able to do it.

Kita Kan Tersesat Pabila Malam Menjemput Bulan Semula Ke Sangkar Waktu – The Salam Connection


                                                                                Oleh - Hesmel Faznee Faisal Allahyarham Pendeta Za’ba (1985-...