Saturday 28 January 2012


By - Hesmel Faznee Faisal

Salam, to fellow bloggers and readers of this collectively self proclaimed blog.

A lot of things has been said on unity in this country and all of these have lead us to ponder; why such an issue still linger within the compound of our thinking and imagination?

Some may say that it is a non issue, thus shall remain at the back of our mind. Unity, as we see it must come naturally within us and this must not become a main issue, from the context of nation building.

There are parasites among us as I see it, who uses racial sentiment to divide unity among us. This is a dangerous game altogether, coming from the dark episodes this country had went through in the 60's, 80's etc.

I wish not to name names, but the reality is there are political parties or the NGO's who have been seen as agents of racial provocateur, to dissipate and to isolate the race homogenous in this country.

And I believe this is the same strategy used by the Imperialist to overthrow a government by sowing hatred among us.  

It is so unfortunate for us as there are people among us who conspire with these Imperialists, in the name of democracy and a just government!

Kita Kan Tersesat Pabila Malam Menjemput Bulan Semula Ke Sangkar Waktu - The Salam Connection. 

Wednesday 18 January 2012


By – Hesmel Faznee Faisal

Salam, to fellow bloggers and readers of this proclaimed blog!

I noticed that of late, there have been quite a number of university students taking part in rallies nor protest within the University compound or the streets. Now, there are differences between staging a rally in a university compound and organizing it at public areas.

Based on my limited knowledge in law, students will not be charged under the civil law should they organize nor take part in any gathering, be it legal nor illegal within the University compound. That, my fellow readers (if there is any, Jose!) is a fact. The worst case scenario is that the student will face the University disciplinary board and will be suspended for one semester or more. This is where the College and University Act 1971, takes place. However, things will be different if a student takes part in a rally or an illegal demonstration in a public place or at a designated area outside the university compound. They are subject to numerous types of charges under the civil law. 

And the unrelenting calls by these students if not all but some, to demand from the Government to amend the act under section 15B is something uncalled for.

The recent rumpus created by a student from my alma mater has clearly shown an act of pure immaturity coupled with hatred. In other words it reflects the content inside the brain of these so called University students!

There are a few examples of similar foolhardiness by these people, but I would rather not to list it down here as this will not only be exposing the level of incompetence among them but will exemplify the quality and the mentality level of our local university students!

Dear readers, assuming (I’m praying hard this will not happen, not until they themselves have reach the level of maturity in politics, maybe in 30-50 years time!) that the next Government will no longer be lead by the present ruling party for the upcoming election and that the people from the other side have successfully taken Putrajaya.

Can the university students at that time have full and complete trust that their voices and grouses be heard by the “new” ruling party? And how sure they are that the same privileges and treatment they have been enjoying all this while can still be enjoyed by them, when those people from the other side takes over the Government from the present ruling party?

Again, I wish not to list down all the things that had taken place earlier, but just for the sake of argument let us recalled the fate that had fallen on a former PAS member and former Selangor state exco member who had been expelled from the party for being too vocal and for criticizing the Selangor MB.

This is just an example that merely shown “full” democracy does not even exist in those camp, let alone the freedom of criticizing one party and another. The biggest sin for them is to allow anyone from the loose coalition criticizing the self proclaimed “prophet”, (if you know what I mean, Jose!).

Even among the BN component parties, there is a tendency of one party criticizing another (Yes, Jose..and it this matter has been raised in a blog-  but all of these can be resolved through the annual convention or meetings.

My point is that the College and University Act is still relevant, from the point that it help students to focus on their studies and yes, let the politicians do the bickering among themselves and do not involve students in ensuring their personal means are being justified.

Nevertheless, most of the squabble between the opposition and the ruling party in the august chamber i.e the Parliament can easily being diffused at the Parliament lobby or cafeteria.

The only thing remains is that the rhetoric coupled with the feeling of hatred brought by political parties remains the same among the students whilst our MP’s from both the opposition and the ruling party sitting together sipping their cup of coffee.

Kita Kan Tersesat Pabila Malam Menjemput Bulan Semula Ke Sangkar Waktu – The Salam Connection.

Hesmel's note: Ganado is Cow in Spanish 

Friday 13 January 2012


Oleh - Hesmel Faznee Faisal

Salam, kepada para bloggers dan pembaca blog syok sendiri ini!

Harap saya masih belum terlambat lagi untuk mengucapkan Selamat Tahun Baru kepada pembaca blog ini dan juga kepada semua yang berada di dalam blogosphere ini.

Hampir 2 bulan, 2 bulan saya tidak menghantar sebarang tulisan ke blog ini. Pertama kerana saya “mati akal”… Ya, kadangkala “Aqalkalayuda” boleh menghadapi “mental block”. Kedua, saya mendapat kecederaan “shoulder dislocation”. Noktah.

Apa yang menimpa kepada diri saya ini tidak penting. Yang penting ialah apa yang berlaku disekeliling kita.

Maaf jika saya tidak dapat menahan diri saya dari membicarakan tentang isu panas, iaitu isu si polan dibebaskan dari tuduhan membuat perkara sumbang secara songsang.

Maka dengan wajah ceria, si polan ini pun berjalan keluar mahkamah sebagai seorang yang bebas. Betulkah?

Menurut cerita di sini mangsa kepada si polan itu akan membuat rayuan supaya keputusan mahkamah ini perlu dipertimbangkan semula.

Ini yang menjadikan cerita  ini menjadi menarik.

Jika sebelum itu, si polan boleh membuat rayuan supaya kesnya ditangguhkan sebanyak hampir 56 kali. Ironinya, ada pihak membuat kenyataan bahawa mangsa kepada si polan itu tidka perlu membuat rayuan kerana menghormati keputusan hakim, seperti yang dinyatakan di sini.

Maka kedengaranlah suara-suara sumbang menjerit dan melaungkan slogan “fetish” seandainya si polan itu didapati bersalah. Namun apabila si polan didapati tidak bersalah, keadilan di negara ini lebih bebas dan adil.

Apakah system kehakiman negara berlandaskan semata-mata kepada si polan itu sahaja? Undang-undang negara ini adil jika si polan didapati tidak bersalah dan tidak adil jika si polan didapati bersalah. Ini yang dikatakan “double standard”.

Memandangkan mereka diseberang sana telahpun mengungkapkan istilah “Rakyat Hakim Negara”, tugas pasukan media baru dari pihak Kerajaan mahupun parti pemerintah perlu mempergiatkan usaha menyiar dan membongkar sifat sebenar si polan ini supaya rakyat benar-benar boleh menentukan apakah si polan ini layak untuk memimpin negara Malaysia yang disayangi ini.

Dan keputusan itu boleh diterjemahkan menerusi undi menerusi Pilihanraya ke-13.

Kita Kan Tersesat Pabila Malam Menjemput Bulan Semula Ke Sangkar Waktu – The Salam Connection.


                                                                                Oleh - Hesmel Faznee Faisal Allahyarham Pendeta Za’ba (1985-...