Sunday 19 July 2009


by - Hesmel Faznee Faisal


Kepada para bloggers dan pembaca blog Bacalah.

I was very busy lately, burdened with my work (I don't think the work burden is the right word to use, Jose!) and with other obligations, had made quite difficult for me to update this self proclaimed blog.

However, much to my attention is the amount of sensationalized stories that has been circling around our media world, as well as the society as a whole.

Anyways, I'm having the usual mental block syndrome and due to that I would not be able to scribble anything, for another 2-4 weeks at least!

Oh, another thing..

Al-fatihah to Uncle Yusuf Ahmad a.k.a The Ancient Mariner. I've met him once or twice during the frequent organized Tuesday Mee Rebus gathering in Aunty Maria's house.

Thursday 2 July 2009


Salam, kepada para bloggers dan peminat setia blog "syok sendiri" ini.

Minggu ini merupakan minggu "produktif" penulis.

Masakan tidak, dalam tempoh minggu ini sahaja, 3 penulisan telah berjaya dihasilkan untuk blog "syok sendiri" ini.

Penulis terkagum dengan diri sendiri. Walau bagaimanapun, kandungan penulisan yang terdapat di dalam blog ini, janganlah dipersoalkan. Ini kerana penulis bukanlah seorang penulis yang bersifat retorik mahupun suka menggunakan ayat-ayat "bombastik". Penulis menulis berdasarkan pemerhatian dan menafsirkan pemerhatian itu berdasarkan kepada pengalaman dan pengetahuan penulis yang sangat cetek ini. Ramai orang mungkin mempersoalkan kelayakan penulis untuk melakukan perkara-perkara ini. Bukankah kita ini semua "pemerhati yang diperhatikan"?

Penulis suka mentertawakan diri sendiri (Jose, there is a difference between laughing at yourself and laughing alone!). Penulis suka mengkritik diri sendiri. Bercakap mengenai mengkritik diri sendiri, tidak semua orang mampu melakukannya, dan penulis tidaklah mahu menepuk dada sendiri dan bercakap penulis berani mengkritik diri sendiri. Tidak.

Cuma, jarang sekali orang melakukan "autopsi" ke atas diri sendiri. Gila? Tidak.

Autopsi di sini bermaksud meneroka diri sendiri dan merenung kembali kelebihan mahupun kekurangan diri sendiri. Apakah dianya itu telah lengkap untuk menjadi seorang insan, atau masih mencari maksud insani.

Kesilapan diri sendiri itu, kadangkala tidak mampu dikesan melainkan orang lain yang memberitahu kita. Secara sedar atau tidak, ianya satu perkara yang berlaku secara refleks. Manusia suka mencari kesalahan orang lain. Titik noktah.

Tetapi tidak ramai yang mahu melihat diri sendiri dan memberitahu dirinya, bahawa ini yang sepatutnya tidak dilakukan. Penulis tidak berniat untuk menulis dalam format yang mungkin berbunyi puitis tetapi hakikatnya manusia ini, setiap daripada mereka dilahirkan untuk berpuitis. Puitis itu selalu dikaitkan dengan romantitisme.

Setiap manusia dilahirkan dengan cerita dan penceritaan mereka sendiri. Tidak ada orang yang mempunyai kisah dan pengkisahan yang sama. Jikalau ada pun mungkin takdir itu sama, tetapi plotnya berbeza-beza.

Maka itulah yang menjadikan manusia itu dilahirkan berpuitis. Kehidupan mereka itu cukup berpuitis.

Hanya mereka sahaja yang tidak tahu..

Kita Kan Tersesat Pabila Malam Menjemput Bulan Semula Ke Sangkar Waktu - The Salam Connection.

Wednesday 1 July 2009


by - Hesmel Faznee Faisal

Our university students nowadays are very advanced. It is a point on which this writer will not be able to rebut. Some may question, what is the legality in such argument?

From this writer’s personal opinion, it comes in many ways. Some students have strong knowledge in IT, hence they are considered as technology savvy and advanced. Others are strongly active in politics and that make them a political activist. They are advanced but in a different aspect where their sound knowledge in politics may be deeper, compared to other students. But not all are strongly linked to those mentioned. Some remain as just another undergraduate who remains anonymous for the rest of his life as a university student.

The Government have spent billions of ringgit from the taxpayer's money to ensure that students receive the best education they can get. It is saddening when some did not earn the basic degree, let alone the Masters nor the Ph.D due to unforeseen circumstances (Jose, we are able to predict the circumstances, mind you!).

After successfully having secured their place in the University, the focus in studies or in some case the "burning oil" dimmed shortly after they are in the second year. This writer himself admits that whatever description he is sharing is based on his observation (and in some cases are on his personal experience!) as a student in one of the local universities in Malaysia.

Some of the male students, upon receiving their first PTPTN loan, have used all the money received to make a deposit payment for a motorcycle. This writer remembers vividly where, back in those days, a student who has his own transportation (the choice were either a simple kapcai or a worn out Mini Cooper!) is considered the king of the university.

He may ask any girl out for a date and it is rarely that the girl will turn down the request (In a way, it is a best example of the phrase – “An offer you can’t refuse”!).

This may lead to all sorts of immoral activities. There was a report recently where a student was found dead and apparently she died after giving birth in one of our local university. This kind of incident will create a communal nuisance for us as Malaysians as it will give a very bad image not only for the university but the education society as a whole.

Kita Kan Tersesat Pabila Malam Menjemput Bulan Semula Ke Sangkar Waktu – The Salam Connection.


                                                                                Oleh - Hesmel Faznee Faisal Allahyarham Pendeta Za’ba (1985-...